Privacy Policy
By using this website, you consent that your personal data will be collected and used by UAB GREEN ROSE 302769484 company as described in this Privacy Policy. GREEN ROSE uses the information that you provide when registering, submitting orders, or sending queries. The following data is gathered: name, surname, phone number, address, and other contact information (this data will be further referred to as Personal Data). This data is gathered in order to fulfill your orders and answer your queries.
Persons under 14 years old are not allowed to provide any personal data via UAB GREEN ROSE website. If a person under 14 years old wants to purchase something from this website, a written consent regarding processing of personal data needs to be provided by one of the parents/guardians.
General terms
UAB GREEN ROSE does not sell or share your Personal Data with third parties without separate consent. No third parties can sell their wares or services through UAB GREEN ROSE electronic systems. UAB GREEN ROSE has the right to use the data provided for marketing purposes, i.e. sending newsletters with news and offers. The customer can unsubscribe from the newsletter.
UAB GREEN ROSE uses the following Personal Data processing principles:
1. Personal Data is gathered for clearly defined and legal purposes;
2. Personal Data is processed accurately and honestly;
3. Personal Data is processed legally;
4. All information about Personal Data is confidential.
For the processing and safeguarding of Personal Data UAB GREEN ROSE uses organizational and technical measures that protect the Personal Data from accidental or illegal destruction, modification, publication, or any other illegal processing. Personal Data is processed according to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
Personal Data is gathered and processed for the following purposes:
1. To process orders;
2. To provide bills and invoice documents;
3. To solve problems related to delivering of orders;
4. To fulfill other commitments;
5. To process queries;
6. For marketing purposes (with your separate permission and with the possibility to withdraw this permission at any time).
Cookie Policy
UAB GREEN ROSE website uses cookies to improve the experience of customers and visitors to the website. The website uses 4 types of cookies:
1. Essential Cookies – these enable the website visitor to see the contents of the website and ensure the functioning of the website (create a session, connect to the session, and process requests). These cookies are essential for the functionality of the website and do not require consent from the website visitor.
2. Functionality Cookies – these are used to help the visitor use the website and improve their experience, such as remembering certain choices and requests. Functionality cookies are not essential for the website to work; however, they add functionality and improve your experience of using the website.
3. Analytics Cookies – these are used to track how users navigate and interact with the website. This information is used to improve and optimize the website. These cookies help to gather data about the websites that you have viewed, which websites have led to our website, which of our emails have been read and acted upon, as well as the time and the date of these actions. These cookies also enable us to use the information about how you use the website, such as frequency of visits, how many times something was clicked on the page, search words used, etc.
4. Marketing (profiling) Cookies – these are used to provide personalized ads to the visitor of the website. This marketing is based on browsing history and actions, such as items/services that you looked for. The statistical data about website visitors can be accessed by our employees who are responsible for analyzing this data and optimizing the website and our partners that provide access to website management tools. This data is held only as long as necessary to achieve data processing goals and no longer than required by the subjects of the data and/or legal requirements.
If you do not consent to the usage of cookies, you can change your browser cookies preferences. You can find the helpful links for managing your cookies below:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
- Edge
UAB GREEN ROSE newsletters are sent using the Omnisend newsletter platform. You can unsubscribe from the newsletters by clicking the ‘Unsubscribe’ button at the end of the email, by replying to the newsletter with a request to unsubscribe, or by directly getting in touch with UAB GREEN ROSE via email with a request to unsubscribe from the newsletters.
Online Payments
The online store and emails are held on Hostinger and Hostex servers. To accept payments, UAB GREEN ROSE uses the Montonio, Mollie, Stripe, Paysera, and PayPal platforms. Privacy Policies for these platforms are as follows:
Montonio Privacy Policy
Mollie Privacy Policy
Stripe Privacy Policy
Paysera Privacy Policy
PayPal Privacy Policy
UAB GREEN ROSE website is protected through an encryption-based Internet security protocol (SSL).
Personal Rights
After you consent to processing of your Personal Data, you have the right to:
1. Have your personal data rectified, erased, or stop the processing of your data if it is not processed according to EU legislation and other legal regulations;
2. Object to the way your Personal Data is processed;
3. If UAB GREEN ROSE receives a request regarding processing of Personal Data, this request will be answered within 30 calendar days. Only the requests submitted via email to [email protected] will be addressed.
4. UAB GREEN ROSE 302769484 customers have the right to request their payment history data or other provided data to be moved or destroyed. Such requests are fulfilled within 30 calendar days after the email request is received on [email protected]
Last Terms
The personal data collected by the company is stored in Lithuania in printed documents and/or the company's information systems. Personal data is processed no longer than necessary to achieve the purposes of data processing or as required by data subjects and/or legal acts.
Although a data subject may terminate the contract and refuse the services of the company, the company must continue to keep the data subject's data for possible future requirements or legal claims until the data storage periods expire.
UAB GREEN ROSE can change the Privacy Policy without advance notice. If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy, please get in touch via this email: [email protected] .
This document has been last renewed on 20-04-2023.