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Premature baby hat
Babies born premature require the most care and love. That's way we, GREEN ROSE, made a special line for the smallest micro babies from organic and natural fabric of merino wool wi..
Premature onesie
GREEN ROSE presents a special clothing line for the smallest babies - premature baby clothes made from certified and organic materials - merino wool with silk blend.Premature bodyA..
Premature pants with feet
Warm trousers with feet for the smallest babies. Baby pants for premature is a best choice for your newborn. Infant trousersUnderstanding that preterm babies are delicate and..
Premature romper
Merino wool and silk blend is one of the softest combination of fabrics. That's way GREEN ROSE made a special collection of clothes for pretern babies using merino with silk.Preemi..
Premature vest
Warm and very soft. Vest for premature babies is a must have item in preemie baby's wardrobe.Preemie shirtsAs pretern babies are born to early it is difficult for them to properly ..